We use the finest Japanese sharpening machinery and specialized abrasives along with careful analysis and precision finishing techniques to ensure only the best results for every pair of scissors we sharpen.
Before any sharpening commences, every pair of scissors goes though a stringent and carful analysis before the scissors are disassembled.
Service analysis includes:
Sharpness test
Balancing test
Ride check
Cutting edge inspection
Tip alignment inspection
Parts inspection
On completion of the above sharpening will commence.
Superior Edge services it’s clients all across Africa from the beautiful mother city of Cape Town. Pricing rages from R300 to R550 per sharpening depending on scissor type and cutting edge.
What you can expect when receiving your scissors back after being serviced by Superior Edge:
Perfectly Sharpened and Fully Balanced
Faulty or old parts replaced or repaired
Ride will have been skimmed
Silencer and tip alignment perfectly aligned
Balancing and cutting edge test passed (testing performed on on actual Remi human hair)
Scissors will have been cleaned and polished
*Excludes delivery charge
*Quotation will be provided on inspection.